DMG was engaged by Crown Perth to assist with the refurbishment of the popular Carbon Bar to refresh and improve the ‘home of sport’ area for patrons.
The refurbishment included an additional walk up bar, larger screens, an increased raised floor footprint, upgraded TAB and relocation of the Keno Lounge to the existing Poker Room.
The upgrades were staged to allow the project to be completed with minimal downtime to the existing operations.
DMG was engaged by Crown Perth to assist with the refurbishment of the popular Carbon Bar to refresh and improve the ‘home of sport’ area for patrons.
The refurbishment included an additional walk up bar, larger screens, an increased raised floor footprint, upgraded TAB and relocation of the Keno Lounge to the existing Poker Room.
The upgrades were staged to allow the project to be completed with minimal downtime to the existing operations.