DMG Architecture + Construction was engaged on a Design & Construct basis for the refurbishment and extension to two existing residential buildings located at 194 – 196 Hay Street, Subiaco into 2 x commercial office buildings.
The commercial office development spans across two separate street frontages; Hay Street (Primary frontage) and York Street (Secondary frontage). Both street frontages serve as access to the separate commercial tenancies. To encourage street activation and pedestrian engagement to Hay Street, architectural treatment has been applied to the existing elevation at 196 Hay Street which was previously in a state of disrepair.
The restoration and treatment of the existing elevation at 194 Hay Street was designed to ensure that the heritage style character of the building was preserved and enhanced. DMG Construction successfully completed the construction works in April 2019.
DMG Architecture + Construction was engaged on a Design & Construct basis for the refurbishment and extension to two existing residential buildings located at 194 – 196 Hay Street, Subiaco into 2 x commercial office buildings.
The commercial office development spans across two separate street frontages; Hay Street (Primary frontage) and York Street (Secondary frontage). Both street frontages serve as access to the separate commercial tenancies. To encourage street activation and pedestrian engagement to Hay Street, architectural treatment has been applied to the existing elevation at 196 Hay Street which was previously in a state of disrepair.
The restoration and treatment of the existing elevation at 194 Hay Street was designed to ensure that the heritage style character of the building was preserved and enhanced. DMG Construction successfully completed the construction works in April 2019.